Aries Monthly Horoscope for July 01, 2024

aries monthly horoscope

Cozy to Creative Aries, the joys of home and family life show up as July gets underway. With the sun, luscious Venus, and chatty Mercury in Cancer, you’ll enjoy the opportunity to relax, unwind, and indulge in some self-care. This is also a great time to be around close ones and relish entertaining with a select few lifelong friends. You’ll be ready to nurture yourself and others, so this is your chance to recharge your batteries, get more sleep, and eat better food. The new moon is in Cancer on July 5, and you have an opportunity for a new beginning. Whether you’re eager to start a small project or something more ambitious, this lunar phase can help you build momentum and keep your enthusiasm moving until your plan is truly underway. There is a gradual shift to the fiery sign of Leo as astute Mercury moves in on the second, followed by charming Venus on the eleventh and the sun on the twenty-second. Your leisure and creativity zone is more in focus as the month gathers pace, so this is a great time to indulge in your hobbies, dive into new interests, and showcase your skills and talents. The four weeks when the sun is in Leo are especially exciting. They can also be a great opportunity to enjoy more romantic getaways or get back into the dating loop. In addition, fiery Mars, your personal planet, moves into restless Gemini for a six-week stay on July 20, so you’ll be very busy but possibly more scattered than usual. Choose your projects carefully and channel your energy into getting positive results. Finally, the full moon on the twenty-first (the second in a row in Capricorn) connects with potent Pluto in Aquarius. A decision you make now concerning your goals or career could bring a revolution in your social life and the people you connect with. Something big is brewing.


As summer heats up, this month pumps more dynamic energy into your love life, Aries. On July 5, a supportive Mars-Saturn sextile brings a sense of focus and discipline that’s sadly been lacking. With this added drive and determination, you should be able to tackle romantic challenges and make steady progress toward your short-term goals. When beautiful vixen Venus pairs with similarly wired Leo on the eleventh, there’s a noticeable boost to your rizz and confidence! Love and creativity combine, making you an alluring, magnetic force. Whether you’re flirting, expressing your feelings, or showing off your creative talents, you’re extremely adorable. On July 20, your fearless leader Mars enters airy, open-minded Gemini, shifting your focus to communication. Although you have tons of great ideas now and are eager to share them, you might not have someone in your life who gets you. Luckily, this is a good time to meet potential new romantic partners or friends who love to talk as much as you do. Wounded Chiron has been traveling with your fiery sign for some time, and as it goes retrograde on the twenty-sixth it welcomes a period of introspection and potential emotional vulnerability. Past heartaches or insecurities related to your identity might resurface now, but don’t shy away from them. When you embrace this chance for healing and self-acceptance, you become a better current or future romantic partner.


Welcome to a brand-new month of surprises, Aries! If you’re looking for a new job or business proposition, the time for your courageous sign to strike is when Mercury enters Leo on July 2. Taking offers that seem unconventional seems to be the best way to direct your energy. The new moon in Cancer on the fifth will bring you back to the center and make it possible to take on the world without fear. Now is the time to take more professional risks. Step into the limelight during the full moon in Capricorn on July 21, and don’t be shy in expressing your projects, goals, hopes, and aspirations. Taking the lead will allow you to level up and be confident in all the beautiful things going toward you. Prepare yourself for wonderful and exciting things. The best is yet to come!  


Cozy to Creative Aries, the joys of home and family life show up as July gets underway. With the sun, luscious Venus, and chatty Mercury in Cancer, you’ll enjoy the opportunity to relax, unwind, and indulge in some self-care. This is also a great time to be around close ones and relish entertaining with a select few lifelong friends. You’ll be ready to nurture yourself and others, so this is your chance to recharge your batteries, get more sleep, and eat better food. The new moon is in Cancer on July 5, and you have an opportunity for a new beginning. Whether you’re eager to start a small project or something more ambitious, this lunar phase can help you build momentum and keep your enthusiasm moving until your plan is truly underway. There is a gradual shift to the fiery sign of Leo as astute Mercury moves in on the second, followed by charming Venus on the eleventh and the sun on the twenty-second. Your leisure and creativity zone is more in focus as the month gathers pace, so this is a great time to indulge in your hobbies, dive into new interests, and showcase your skills and talents. The four weeks when the sun is in Leo are especially exciting. They can also be a great opportunity to enjoy more romantic getaways or get back into the dating loop. In addition, fiery Mars, your personal planet, moves into restless Gemini for a six-week stay on July 20, so you’ll be very busy but possibly more scattered than usual. Choose your projects carefully and channel your energy into getting positive results. Finally, the full moon on the twenty-first (the second in a row in Capricorn) connects with potent Pluto in Aquarius. A decision you make now concerning your goals or career could bring a revolution in your social life and the people you connect with. Something big is brewing.