Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope for September 01, 2024

sagittarius weekly horoscope

You might feel like you’re speaking a different language than a dear friend or loved one when the week starts. Instead of jumping to sweeping conclusions right away, do your best to clarify. If you’re still struggling to see eye to eye, you might do well to let the dust settle before attempting again. Later, you’ll be fired up to elevate your moneymaking efforts and spend time bringing in new sources of cash. Projects that feel like they speak to your interests and reflect your values are your priority now. Brainstorm additional ideas that feel equally in line with the causes you care most about and you’re sure to see returns on your efforts.


Roll the romantic dice on Monday. A little emotional risk now moves things forward dramatically. You may feel like waiting out a few rounds on Tuesday and Wednesday. You've got other things on your mind, so matters of the heart can be put on hold. Then you've got luck on your side when it comes to love from Thursday through Saturday. If you can't decide what to do, just flip a coin (hopefully with the assistance of a certain someone). Sunday looks quieter, thankfully giving you a chance to revisit sweet moments and catch up with your loved one.


Cultivate your work karma during the first few days this week. What you do comes right back to you. Negotiate instead of feuding. Offer your expertise. Make a new ally. You'll want someone on your side around Thursday and Friday, when work looks crazy busy. A coworker who's good with specifics is invaluable, complementing your abilities with the larger plan. With the weekend comes the opportunity to make new contacts and expand your working world. Be ready to communicate clearly about what you want and you just might get a lot closer to getting it.


Your glass is far more than half-full of good cheer at the week's outset, and it'd be hard to find a jollier traveler than you. A good vibe proves to be its own reward, as you're hailed as a friend at every turn. It may come as a bit of a shock, then, on Wednesday or Thursday when all you really want is a little peace and quiet. Make sure your accommodations are comfy for these days, and stake out a table at a cafe for some journal or postcard writing. The traveling spirit returns for the weekend, with you bonding with new friends and finding lots to marvel at.


Feeling lucky? Well, are you? Monday and Tuesday are good times to take chances and push yourself beyond your limits (which are already pretty far out there). Fortune favors the bold. Know when to fold 'em, though, because some time Wednesday the trend reverses and you'll need to keep from getting too far ahead of yourself. Your people will follow you anywhere this weekend, and you should have a great time as long as you're surrounded by your entourage. Don't let all the little details bog you down.