Listen carefully. Someone close has some good advice for you. It's one thing to just hear them out, but another entirely to take what they're saying to heart. You can do it on a day like today.Your substantial verbal skills will receive a boost of charisma from the heavens, as if you needed it. This will come in quite handy when you cross paths with a friend who's feeling a bit blue. You'll be perfectly able to fix them up and get them back on the road in a fine old mood. You might save some of this wonderful stuff for your own purposes, however. Isn't there someone you'd like to charm the socks off of?
Oops, you forgot to put something aside for a rainy day. Now that you need it, it's a bit late, but better late than never. If sticking to the essentials doesn't leave you with anything left over at the end of the day, at least it doesn't put you in the red.Single's Lovescope
Being opinionated doesn't mean you need to be bullheaded. A bossy attitude won't win you supporters. State your ideas and give opposing viewpoints the respect they deserve.Couple's Lovescope
Your brainy energy should make life even easier with your partner unless they're taking life too seriously. Your cure for that might strike the wrong chord, but otherwise things should be perfect.Career
The energy you draw from days like this gives you plenty of stamina for when you face long slogs later. Today will be stimulating, but don't expect to make huge inroads on work-related projects.More info :