Leo Weekly Horoscope for September 01, 2024

leo weekly horoscope

Although you’ll have your pick of gatherings, work happy hours, and other outings, you might gravitate to one-on-one time with a romantic interest or best friend as the week starts. You’ll find that working through any existing emotional issues together and then forging a new path, which feels productive for you both, occurs organically and is satisfying mentally and emotionally. Later, the cosmos amplifies your self-improvement efforts. If you’re hoping to get a head start on a makeover or take your current routine to the next level, you’ll have the self-assured energy to go for it!


Don't overlook the romantic possibilities on Monday. The world's pretty much in love with you now, and for good reason, you glorious creature you. Take it easy on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will give you time to mull over a certain situation and reassess it. Perhaps a new approach is in order? Whatever it is, it's working from Thursday through Saturday, when those people meeting you swoon, and those by your side count their lucky stars. Whatever you're feeling, go on and spill it. Love is in the air. Sunday brings an unexpected insight about a certain someone. Interesting!


If you're not saying "I love my job" during the first few days this week, it's an ideal time to negotiate some changes, or work your network, put your feelers out, and send out some resumes. Know your skill set and make them want you. Your confidence is a huge asset. Then around Thursday and Friday, your powers of concentration are epic. Making a sensible, actionable plan is easy now. Tackle a multiparty, complex project and make major progress. And people tend to give you the green light when the weekend comes, and not just when it comes to work.


The interconnectedness of all things is bountifully apparent at the beginning of the week, and your revelations may astonish you. Forget souvenirs -- this is what travel's all about and you're right at the center of it. Shift into a thrifty mode when it comes to your trip budget on Wednesday and Thursday; little local cafes offer unique, colorful experiences you won't get at pricey restaurants, while fancy accommodations are only good if you're spending a lot of time there. The weekend's about fun and feeling good; celebrate your journey in your own inimitable style.


If you've been feeling down about your creative output, expect things to pick up quite a bit on Monday and Tuesday as inspiration strikes and you find it easy to ride the wave. Conserve your resources through the week so you can devote yourself to whatever it is that's driving you forward. Don't spend a single frivolous dollar. The weekend is perfect for dates, which will go extremely well for you and might last longer than you expect. The combination will be great, and you might get really wrapped up in it.