You’ll get the green light to confidently bring your creative impulses to your work when the week begins. You’ll enjoy sharing your vision with colleagues and friends who can weigh in with helpful commentary that could bring you even closer to a financial win. Later, the cosmos could signal the end of the road in a relationship that’s no longer serving you. Meditate on the bonds and circumstances that bring you the most comfort now. Consider the fact that groups and communities you’re a part of might come into question as well. You’ll soon know how to proceed.
Being rushed doesn't sit well with you, and if someone's pushing you in the romantic arena at the beginning of the week, you're going to push back (and rightfully so). On Wednesday and Thursday, your love life moves at your pace. You're feeling fabulous, and all your senses are fully engaged with a world (and perhaps a person) seemingly designed to please them. Make time to enjoy some art or nature in whatever way you can. This weekend, you're the one doing the rushing. Try communicating your feelings instead of furthering your agenda.BusinessScope
Everything should go exactly as you hope on Monday and Tuesday, even if what you hope is different from what you expect. It's a great time to work through big-money deals, but make sure they're completed before Wednesday. The middle part of the week will be better spent away from the treasury, as you'll be prone to making impulsive decisions that could shake up the bottom line. You'll be back in form late in the day Friday and able to charm almost anything out of anyone. Weekend schmoozing will be quite beneficial.TravelScopes
Romance is in the cards at the beginning of the week, even if it's whispering sweet nothings on the phone to someone you're missing. Treat yourself to a little luxury as well. You'll want to conserve your resources on Wednesday and Thursday anyway, when the stars say to avoid impulse buys and financial decisions. If the weekend brings a pang of loneliness, let yourself feel it, but stay in the present. If you're outgoing and open-minded, these can be some of the best days of the month.Flirt
You are relating to people well, especially Monday. Even perfect strangers are finishing your sentences. The thing is you're not in the market for perfect strangers. You're in the market for someone to be in love with. Rest assured, that person is coming. They may even make a brief appearance in your life by the middle or near the end of the week. Be open to social gatherings even among people you don't know very well, especially Friday. If you find yourself at a loss for words, make eyes with that cutie.