Virgo Weekly Horoscope for July 21, 2024

virgo weekly horoscope

At the start of the week, you’d do well to take a risk on a possible moneymaking opportunity that’s caught your eye. You’ve got extra power to make a winning case for yourself and show the higher-ups that you’re focused and ready to take on the challenge on an ongoing basis. Later, the stage is set for a sweet, blissful time with someone special. If you can spend a night in, cuddled up and watching your favorite movie or cooking a delicious meal can feel particularly pleasurable and bonding.


Monday is perfect for creating new things, from cute notes to little presents for someone sweet. Expect a change of plans midweek and try your best to deal with it as well as you can, despite any disappointment you may feel. People are just not dealing with life as well as they could this week, so if you hold their lack of organization against them it will just spur resentment. The weekend could bring work-related problems, but you are able to handle them in a way that leaves time for romance.


Even though the fastest way from point A to point B in the office is well charted in your mind, taking the long route, and passing several coworkers you rarely encounter, has its own advantages. Namely, it has the advantage of randomness. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the randomness at work reaches a high point. You like being surprised by everyday conversations, and they often are a source of good ideas. But don't expect to get much accomplished on those days. On Thursday and Friday, you feel constrained by the budget. If only your resources were limitless.


Even your supreme organizational skills may fail in the face of shifting circumstances and a million moving parts as the week begins on the road. Build in extra cushion time for your own sanity. Around Wednesday or Thursday, though, you're loving the traveling life, and it's returning the favor. Your high spirits may lead to some unforgettable high jinks! The terrific energy for journeying continues through the weekend. Look for experiences that are the polar opposite of what you usually do back home. You may surprise yourself with how much you enjoy them.


Hang tight early this week and don't add anything new to your already full plate. No matter how cool or inviting it may be, you just can't take on any more business, so practice bowing out gracefully. If you find yourself facing money troubles later in the week, don't rush into anything. You'll need to take your time with them. You'll be able to figure out any puzzle this weekend, no matter how hard it has seemed in the past. It's a great time to step up to that mystery cutie.