You might be feeling like you need more support from a significant other or friends at the week's start. You’ll also feel like it’s time to put work on the back burner so you can tend to your relationships overall. Instead of allowing your head to lead the way, tuning into your heart is key now. Later, you’ll be feeling more creative and inclined toward vibrant self-expression. The more you can allow your imagination and artistic impulses to fuel not just your work but also your personal relationships, the happier and healthier you’ll feel. Others might even take note of how your inner glow radiates through your words and actions.
This is a fun, breezy week for you, so make the most of it! The first couple of days see you in a chatty mood, though you can easily switch gears if it's time to get serious. Your communication skills help you understand your romantic ideals a bit better. Your urge to hit the town is practically irresistible on Wednesday and Thursday, no matter what kind of responsibilities you've got to take care of. Your date might comment on your almost frantic energy! Friday is a great time to meet new people at work or merge your career and romantic paths a bit.BusinessScope
Unrealistic? You? What you think you can accomplish and what you can actually get done may not match up during the first few days this week. Don't get frustrated and don't work your fingers to the bone. And while your usual work style may be to proceed with caution, around Thursday and Friday, it might be time to take a risk, make a leap, or otherwise shake things up. Get out of the assessment phase and at least test the waters. When the weekend comes, you might want to schedule time for your personal life. Romance is in the stars!TravelScopes
Monday through Wednesday are perfect for moving from place to place, since you find yourself restless if you stay put for long. You may need to go for a long walk if you aren't scheduled to take off soon. Find a way to head off the beaten path or take part in unscheduled activities later in the week -- impulsive behavior is rewarded with exciting experiences. The weekend is all good fun for you and your friends, and you're feeling so connected to your environment that you can hardly imagine leaving.Flirt
Your emotions are going to be a huge driving force in your life on Monday, though where they'll push you is anyone's guess. One thing for sure is that your responsibilities are going to catch up with you for most of the week. No matter what else happens, you'll have to take care of business. Your weekend should be fantastic, filled with positive energy and creative adventures. Try to play around with the details of your life on Sunday if you can.