You need to deal with your deepest issues today or at least those deep enough to confuse you! It's a good day to reinterpret those subliminal signals you've been getting from your friends.You can make faster progress today by hitching your wagon to a team rather than plodding along on your own. You may get plenty done alone, but you need a more social dynamic to really get ahead. Your group can help you hone a whole new set of skills that might impress the movers and shakers you thought were beyond you. You should discover that with enough effort and ambition, practically nothing is beyond you.
Some things are easier than you think, but others really are a lot of work -- and more than you might think. First, recognize the effortless things and knock them out immediately.Single's Lovescope
Someone's coming on strong because they believe that's the kind of person you're attracted to. Set them straight in a kind yet firm way. Then think about why they made that assumption,Couple's Lovescope
Sure, a good argument can clear up an issue quickly, but it can also unravel into the unreasonable and some hurt feelings. Try a conversation instead, and save the heated part for later.Career
It might feel as if the whole world is out to get you, but actually, everyone is just moving at their own pace and you're in the way. Duck or fight back, but don't go with the flow.More info :