Scorpio Weekly Horoscope for September 01, 2024

scorpio weekly horoscope

You might be steaming with frustration aimed at colleagues or higher-ups early in the week. Although you would prefer to repress it, dealing with your negative feelings in a measured, calculated way is your best bet. A confrontation needs to occur either way, so it’s better if you can get ahead of it now. Later, the cosmos amplifies your craving for gentle affection and warm words exchanged with loved ones. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and honest when it comes to your most heartfelt emotions is key to making the most of this moment.


Something's stressing you out on Monday, not the most conducive state of mind for love. But some sweet energy is in store from Tuesday through Thursday. It's not wildly passionate, but there's definitely something to be said for cute, considerate, and tender, all of which you're wearing very well now. Making a romantic decision may have you stymied this weekend, but a wait-and-see (and talk-it-over-with-a-friend) approach works wonders. And Sunday finds you radiating a very sexy confidence and ready for a hot transformation.


Tone down your style during the beginning of the week. Dressing for success means fitting in instead of standing out, and it's smarter to solicit information than it is to spout off. Arrangements you make around Thursday and Friday tend to pay off particularly well. Schedule important meetings, set up travel, and put in some prep time on nascent projects. Be conscious about where you're directing your energy and you'll avoid spinning your wheels and even get some major traction. And this weekend, bounce an idea off someone non-work-related to get a fresh spin on it.


Business travelers should watch their back on Monday and Tuesday, and not just on the road -- your boss may need to be appeased from afar. Leisure journeyers should also practice diplomacy -- charm works far better than complaining now. Midweek, some detailed information is available that'll really smooth the road for you. Try asking other travelers, locals or the concierge for their secret inside tips. If you're traveling with a companion, hand them the reins this weekend; you'll have more fun if you don't have to make the decisions and set the agenda.


Work and school issues will be huge on Monday, especially if there's an ego conflict or even the possibility of one. You'll do best by slinking away and letting other people take the heat. You'll get the skinny on someone sweet midweek and learn more than you bargained for. It's a good time to put your knowledge to use. That unconscious mind you're so famous for takes over this weekend, which is great for churning through feelings but not so awesome when it comes time to make a big decision. Hold people off until Monday.