Pisces Weekly Horoscope for September 01, 2024

pisces weekly horoscope

You’ll find it’s extra satisfying to spend time with friends and colleagues in the beginning of the week. The more group projects and community events you can involve yourself in, the more stimulated you’ll feel intellectually and emotionally. What’s more, working with others can help you reach personal goals during this period. Later, your emotions are cranked up a notch, and you’ll be fantasizing about getting out of your comfort zone with a friend or partner. An impromptu trip or out-of-the-ordinary date might be exactly what’s called for.


Doing something healthy on Monday makes you feel all-around sexier, boosting that confidence. It's the kind of excellent energy you can use from Tuesday through Thursday, when the best romantic agenda is no agenda at all, other than being yourself and letting your soul shine. Plenty of time to analyze it all later, like this weekend, when you'll be given choices and the opportunity to point your love life in a lovely direction. Don't just stand there. Pick your path and who you want with you on it.


Know the difference between being part of the team and running interference as the week begins. The best idea might be to stick to your own projects, just for now. Otherwise, you may lose some serious time (and find yourself in an awkward position). Instead of continuing to equivocate on Thursday and Friday, find a way to test your plan, solution, or thinking. An experiment can reveal potential pitfalls and new options. Be sure to fit in some relaxation this weekend. Extremes lead to stress. It's all about the middle path.


Staying healthy is of paramount concern at the beginning of the week. Make sure you're aware of any precautions you should take with regard to what you eat or drink locally, and don't run yourself ragged seeing sights. Wednesday and Thursday are good days to put your inner critic on hold and just absorb what's going on around you; something that affronts you initially makes sense in the overall cultural context. This weekend, your travels inspire you to jettison some baggage, whether literally or figuratively, and lighter definitely feels better.


Monday is still too busy for you to do much beyond simple coping. Whatever you do, try not to insert yourself into other people's business. They're ready to bite. Help your people with their relationships through the middle of the week, but try to do more listening than talking. It might be a good time to take a risk with a cute stranger. The weekend is a good time for cleaning house, both literally and figuratively. Get rid of any old baggage that's just dead weight and clear the way for new things and new people in your life.